Koraput Famers' Association

Good Governance

The Project PRI’s Good Governance and Social Justice was broadly  covering, capacity building  of the youths and women through appropriate orientation programmes and hand holding supports with IEC materials, simple hand books for enhancing understanding of youths and women to identify the local issues and find out appropriate plans to address the same. Reduction of social and gender in-equalities, establishment of legal rights and socio-economic empowerment, creation of opportunities for the target community towards enterprise development to improve their livelihoods, development of true leadership qualities and their actions against violence to combat extremism as these were the burning issues which need to be addressed. Local forums of the youths and women need to be established and strengthened through this initiative for proper dialogue with the government as a pressure group.

With this backdrop, KFA in partnership with Centre for World Solidarity (CWS) implemented the project in two panchayats namely Kumargandhana and Tikarpara of Lamtaput block in Koraput District.

In this regard KFA has

  • Facilitated & formed 64 nos of village level Task Force Committees
  • Identified 640 nos of people with the help of village level community recognized as the Task Force Members / Leaders among them 40% are women leaders
  • Facilitated & formed 2 nos of Gram Panchayat level Task Force Committees
  • Facilitated and selected 30 members from VLTF to GP level Task Force Members
  • Facilitated & formed 1 Dist level Task Force Committee where 15 members are being selected from the GPTF

The Task Force Committee members are consisting of PRI members (from village level to Dist level), village heads, women leaders, village level service providers such as Anganwadi Workers & Health workers and the people from the community. With the series of capacity building events / orientations / workshops / exposures the Task Force members being capacitated with the facilitation of KFA time to time.

The Task Force Committee members have been looking after the vulnerable and marginal community people’s involvement in Social Security Schemes, time to time conducting interface activities / events with the Govt. service providers from village to dist level to resolve the current / ongoing issues, conducting lobby and advocacy events / activities with the concern Govt authorities to exercise their rights. Above all they all are ensuring to let the community be more powerful politically and choose the right man particularly at the time of election, who will fight for their rights.