Koraput Famers' Association

Renewable Energy

With the objective to improve the reliability of the power production from MPHs through rehabilitations of plant KFA started its journey of development in the villages like Badamanjari & Putsil of Semiliguda Block & Badasil of Narayanpatna Block in Koraput District.

To improve the efficiency in electricity production, distribution and consumption of MHPs through system analysis and accessibility of electricity and to increase utilization of electricity from micro hydro plants through productivity (increased plant load factor) KFA facilitated to develop a Participatory Market System Development (PMSD) leading revenue generation of the areas.

In this way KFA has

  • Established a baseline information and identification of barriers for rural enterprises.
  • Identified the developmental tools, instruments & mechanisms to overcome the barriers.
  • Established of 3 micro and small enterprises/business where 20 people started income generation activities.
  • Capacitated 10 potential entrepreneurs on entrepreneurial and technical skills to run their enterprises effectively.
  • Facilitated to get the benefits to 500 households directly from the services from the enterprises and MPHs.
  • Established appropriate financing mechanisms for the better management and maintenance of enterprises in project villages.