Koraput Famers' Association


Scientific Technology & Methodologies introduction and adoption

KFA spontaneously has been working in changing the habits of practice in the farmers of Koraput Block. KFA has been facilitating the farmers to adopt the scientifically experimented methodologies like Systematic Rice Intensification (SRI) particularly in paddy areas and Systematic Millet Intensification (SMI), Line Transplantation (LT) & Line Sowing (LS) specifically in millet based areas.

System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

It has been an ancestral package of practices (PoP) of the farmers particularly in Koraput region either in paddy or millet based produces is the ‘broadcasting practice’. It was major challenge for KFA to mobilize the community to change their practice and adopt a new one. Though it was for the betterment of the whole community and it was to bring a revolutionary change in their (Farmers) lives but initially the farmers at the grass root level was not ready to accept the scientific technology of methodology! However, despite have lots of challenges KFA introduced the scientifically experienced modern technology of methodology “SRI” (Systematic Rice Intensification) among a group of farmers.

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a farming methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice produced in farming. It is a low-water, labor-intensive method that uses younger seedlings singly spaced and typically hand weeded with special tools.

In the year 2014, to introduce the methodology, KFA started the activities initially in the paddy region like Kotpad Block of Koraput District, Koraput Farmers’ Association (KFA) was started to work with the farmers. Thirty five villages from four Gram Panchayats such as Botasana, Sargiguda, Dhamnahandi and S.B.Nuagaon were selected for inception. At first KFA took selected 50 hectares of land for the intervention.

The most important and first element of intervention is to mobilize the community and take them into confidence of the intervention in transparent manner.

KFA involved in the process was to create awareness among the farmers regarding the demonstration through campaigns and to select and prepare a detailed list of farmers selected for the purpose.